
Taking Privacy Seriously: Design and Regulation of Digital Flat Currency

We are pleased to invite you to the conference “Taking Privacy Seriously: Design and Regulation of Digital Flat Currency”, presented by Rohan Gray (Willamette University), as part of the “Fintech: Regulating today the financial technologies of tomorrow” conference series.   Speaker Professor Grey’s research focuses on the legal design and regulation of money and finance, […] Read more


Les FRQ parlent de nous!

This content is not available in the selected language. Trop chers, trop longs, trop complexes, trop ancrés dans une tradition désuète… Les processus judiciaires actuels sont la source de bien des frustrations pour les justiciables québécois. Sans réforme dans les façons de faire, cette profonde insatisfaction ouvre la voie à une perte de confiance envers […] Read more

Droit et littérature Event

Re-Imagining Space Law : Literary Analysis of Utopian Literatures, Science Fiction, and Africain Feminist Futurisms as Inclusive Sources of Lawmaking

As part of the conference series “Law and Literature: Literary Representations of Legal Identities and Transcriptions”, we invite you to the conference “Re-Imagining Space Law : Literary Analysis of Utopian Literatures, Science Fiction, and Africain Feminist Futurisms as Inclusive Sources of Lawmaking”, Dr Saskia Vermeylen (University of Strathclyde). Speaker With a background in legal theory, Saskia Vermeylen […] Read more

Conferences Nouvelles

Cycle de conférences: Droit et littérature (2021-2022)

The Cyberjustice Laboratory is proud to announce its newest series of conferences Law and Litterature: literary representations of identities and legal transcription, presented in collaboration with the LexUM chair. Presentation of the series of conferences « Entre le droit et la littérature, les liens sont nombreux, profonds, personnels. » (François OST, « Droit et littérature: variété […] Read more

Event Nouvelles

The Borders of Utopia: Science fiction and the limits of the legal imagination

As part of the "Law and Litterature: Literary Representations of Identities and Legal Transcriptions'' lecture series, we invite you to the« The Boarders of Utopia: Science fiction and the limits of the legal imagination » lecture presented by  Christopher Brown (Lawyer and Author). Conférencier : Christopher Brown is the Philip K. Dick, John W. Campbell […] Read more


Emerging Crypto-Asset Jurisdictional Uncertainties and Regulatory Gaps

As part of the "Fintech: Regulating Tomorrow's Financial Technologies Today" lecture series, we invite you to the "Emerging Crypto-Asset Jurisdictional Uncertainties and Regulatory Gaps" lecture presented by Ryan Clements (Chair in Business Law and Regulation, University of Calgary). Summary The presentation will be called "Emerging Crypto-Asset Jurisdictional Uncertainties and Regulatory Gaps" and will include content […] Read more


Les FRQ parlent de nous!

This content is not available in the selected language. Trop chers, trop longs, trop complexes, trop ancrés dans une tradition désuète… Les processus judiciaires actuels sont la source de bien des frustrations pour les justiciables québécois. Sans réforme dans les façons de faire, cette profonde insatisfaction ouvre la voie à une perte de confiance envers […] Read more


SYNERGIA IV – La gestion des données électorales dans le contexte du microciblage politique

This content is not available in the selected language. Description L’utilisation des données électorales permet aux partis politiques de se livrer à des activités de prédiction des comportements, de ciblage et de personnalisation des publicités politiques qui engendrent certains bienfaits et plusieurs risques. Bien que ces pratiques puissent mobiliser l’électorat et mousser la participation aux […] Read more