Press Release | Ontario’s Condominium Authority Tribunal Chooses Montreal Based Cyberjustice Laboratory’s Online Platform PARLe

Ontario’s Condominium Authority Tribunal Chooses Montreal Based Cyberjustice Laboratory’s Online Platform PARLe

For a 100% Digital Condominium Justice

MONTREAL, November 27, 2017 – The Director of Montreal’s Cyberjustice Laboratory, Me Karim Benyekhlef, is happy to announce that Ontario’s Condominium Authority Tribunal, inaugurated by the Condominium Authority of Ontario on the 1st of November 2017, opted for the Laboratory’s Platform to Assist in the Resolution of Litigation electronically (PARLe) dedicated to online dispute settlements.

This establishes the Condominium Authority of Ontario’s first online tribunal using the Montreal based Cyberjustice Laboratory’s online platform PARLe, which assures fast, equitable, secure, and inexpensive online dispute resolution for co-ownership conflicts throughout Ontario.

In the wake of Ontario’s condominium boom, already housing over one million people, the Ontario government has launched an ambitious legislative reform to support the development of healthy and strong condominium communities.  The purpose of this reform is to prevent, and effectively resolve, conflicts that may arise within condominium communities (e.g. non-payment of dues, contentious repair work, conflicting use of communal areas, etc.).

The purpose of the Condominium Authority Tribunal is twofold:  to be accessible online at all times, since over 84% of Ontario households are connected to the Internet, and to encourage amicable conflict resolution.  It is about providing effective justice that favours the reconciliation of condominium owners.

In Quebec, the PARLe platform has been used successfully by the Consumer Protection Office since November 2016.  Me Karim Benyekhlef hopes, however, that this recent decision by the Ontario Tribunal will encourage courts in Quebec to adopt this innovative and digital solution developed in Montreal.

PARLe provides structured and personalized support for conflicts, favouring negotiation or mediation.   In the absence of a negotiated solution, an adjudicator may make a binding decision based on the elements submitted online by the parties.  The benefit is that this can be achieved without the parties having to physically displace themselves to a courthouse.

The Director of Montreal’s Cyberjustice Laboratory, Me Karim Benyekhlef, is pleased that his team can support the Ontario Condominium Authority’s innovative vision and the significant benefits that it will bring to Ontario’s litigants.

About Montreal’s Cyberjustice Laboratory

The Cyberjustice Laboratory, which is hosted at the Université de Montréal, is a unique center for reflection and creativity where judicial processes are modeled and re-imagined.  Specializing in online dispute resolution and the modernization of justice through digitization and networking, the Cyberjustice Laboratory develops platforms and software that facilitate the everyday lives of litigants and professionals in the legal and judicial worlds, including PARLe, the courtroom interface for holding paperless hearings and the electronic clerk.


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Cyberjustice Laboratory
Me Valentin Callipel, 514-343-6111, ext. 2550

This content has been updated on 30 November 2017 at 12 h 03 min.